The dashboard report will include the following parameters to keep the citizens of local communities informed about the activities of the ecosystem. As the report evolves, more parameters will be added based on feedback and advice from the citizens.

01. Consumer Satisfaction by Platform Services and Location (State, District, Sub-District and PIN Code).

02. Community Sales.

03. Number of Customers.

04. Number of SHGs as Vendor Partners.

05. Number of Kudumbasree as Vendor Partners.

06. Number of JLGs as Vendor Partners.

07. Number of FPOs as Vendor Partners.

08. Number of Cooperative Societies as Vendor Partners.

09. Number of Vehicles and Type.

10. Number of Driver Partners by Type.

11. Number of Service Providers by Type.

12. Number of Delivery Partners per Platform.

13. Community Sales by Product Type.

14. Community Sales by Service Type.

15. Community Sales by Vendor Type.

16. Number of Goods Vendor Partners by Type.

17. Number and Type of EVs.

18. Number of Deliveries using Environment Friendly Methods.

19. Local Production and Consumption based on 5 Star preferences.

20. Microfinance Related Data.

21. Number of Senior Citizens Supported.

22. Audit Observations and Reports

23. Statistics of Open Street Map Updation for Delivery Efficiency.

24. SGST Collected and Paid.

25. CGST Collected and Paid.

26. Delivery Charges Collected and Paid to Delivery Partners.

27. Financial Parameters of Local Companies and Startups in which the Holding Company has subscribed to and holds shares.

28. Financial Parameters of Sales and Holding Limited Companies etc.

Note: The Dashboard will utilize Metabase as the technology to report from MongoDB database.